
The Greek Easter

Class A1

Alexopoulos John
Apostolou Chris
Zygoulis John
Karakostas Dimitris

The basic period of Greek Easter is the Holy Week. The first three days, Holy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the housewives start their preparations to be ready for the Easter Sunday. They clean their houses and paint the front pavements white. They make cookies and "tsourekia" (a traditional sweet betweet bread and cake).

What's more, in these days godfathers and godmothers visit their godchildren and offer them their presents, new shoes and clothes, a chocolate egg and a caddle.

Every evening we go to church to listen to the gospels narrating the Passions of Jesus Christ.
On Holy Thursday we paint the eggs red, which is a symbol of Jesus sacrifice in order to save us. Holy Friday is the saddest day of the year for all the christians. It is the day of His Crusifiction. On Holy Saturday we all go to church to celebrate Jesus' Resurection.

And then comes Easter!!!

A glorious celebration with a lot of food (traditional lamb), drink, singing and dancing !!!!

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