

Are you a young European under 26? Are you a photo enthusiast? Do you think Europe can be ‘Instagrammed’? 
The three hosts of the RTL youth show ‘YOLO – Das große W
Cecilia Knodt
Lukas Wandke
Natalia Höppner
have launched a 10 month-long photo competition for young Europeans on Instagram! They will announce a new theme  between January and November 2014 on their Facebook and Instagram profiles.
Current theme: Illustrate how you think energy should be produced in the EU.
 Post your photo with the special hashtag #energy_goes_insta to enter the contest. The picture with the most “likes” wins!
You should also add one of these hashtags to your photo:
All the monthly winners will be invited by the European Commission to Brussels in November to exhibit their photos in the Commission’s premises. The overall competition winner will be invited to visit the production set of the ‘YOLO – Das große W’ show in one of the EU countries.
Log on and send your entry today!


Who can participate?
  • All residing EU nationals and nationals belonging to countries with EU candidate or potential candidate status (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Iceland, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey).
  • Age limit: 25.
How do I enter?
  • There will be a new theme every month connected to various EU youth policy themes for a duration of ten months (15th January – 15th November 2014).
  • Diverse theme-specific hashtags (#) will be launched by the TV Hosts of the German RTL programme ‘YOLO – Das große W‘ on a monthly basis on their Facebook and Instagram profiles:
  • The competition organizer, Story House Productions Berlin (see below), will also spread the monthly themes virally via various youth-oriented forums and blogs on Facebook and elsewhere.
  • The European Commission (EC), will also promote the competition on several of its webpages.
  • In addition to the monthly theme-specific hashtags, the participant should also ‘tag’ the image with a hashtag that specifies the genre of the competition and name of one of the TV Hosts:
Lukas Wandke/ #pic_contest_lukas
Cecilia Knodt/ #pic_contest_cecilia
Natalia Höppner/ #pic_contest_natalia
  • Each participant can send a maximum of two entries via Instagram per monthly competition.
  • A significant number of monthly entries are needed for the selection of the monthly winner to take place.
  • The TV Hosts may post photos on Instagram as part of the call for submissions but these images will not be included in the competition.
  • Entries should be original and not contain insults or copyright infringements of any kind.
  • Every month and for each theme, the top five most liked images on Instagram will be posted along with their authors’ names on the Facebook pages of the TV hosts, who will then select a winner from the five monthly finalists. The winning monthly photo will be selected on the basis of its originality.
  • The name and photo of the monthly winner will be published on the TV Hosts’ Facebook and Instagram profiles.
  • Monthly winners will be contacted directly by the competition organiser via the participant’s Instagram or Facebook profiles. In case of a no reply within 10 working days, a second monthly winner will be selected and contacted.
  • In November, the ten winning monthly photos (per theme) and names of the photographers will be re-posted on the TV Hosts’ Facebook and Instagram profiles and the EC’s web pages.

What can I win?
  • The 10 winners will have their photos exhibited at the EC premises at the end of November and will receive a tour of the EU institutions in Brussels. All the travel expenses will be paid directly by the EC.
  • A jury composed of the three TV Hosts will then select an overall winner. The overall winner will be chosen on the basis of the originality of their photo and the author will be invited by the competition organizer to visit the production set
    of ‘YOLO – Das große W‘ RTL show (2015 season) in one of the EU countries.
  • Any type of personal data from the user (i.e. e-mail and/or phone number) will only be used for the purpose of the photo competition and not for any kind of advertising/marketing purposes.
  • The 10 winning photos may be re-used by the EC for promotional purposes during and after the competition. The monthly winners will be asked to sign a separate document authorising the rights-free use of the images by the EC.
  • The terms and conditions of the competition may change over the course of the year due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Facebook/Instagram are not directly involved in the sponsoring or management of the competition and are therefore not available to be contacted regarding the competition.
  • The competition is organised by Story House Productions, Berlin, Michaelkirchstraße 17, 10179 Berlin, Germany.

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